Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Ruffwear booties - a quick review

Ruffwear booties are not cheap. And here is my quick review: FAIL.

I bought a pair because the store thought they were a good product. I needed something to protect Klinger's feet while he healed from an injury. They rubbed his ankles raw, and came off, usually when he was running (the MOST inconvenient time).

So, I added socks. That was worse. And, I put them away, in a drawer somewhere. Along come Amy and Andy. Andy tears a pad, and needs booties. So I give them another try. This was even worse - I could NOT get them to stay on Andy.

Then Amy had some icing issues in the snow, and I tried them on her. Same thing. They rub when they stay on, and then they come off when they shouldn't.

I don't have the faintest idea how to improve this design, but I know what I will try next. Next time, I will try buckskin booties that TIE at the top - like a moccasin.

Like these:

Ruffwear? Fail.